Friday, September 30, 2011

"Even the Rich Need Love"

I read somewhere about a journalist who went to interview Mother Teresa at her orphanage in India. Arriving at the steps, the writer found a newborn wrapped in newspaper. She picked the baby up and carried it into the building. She was surprised when the nuns were so happy about her discovery. One gently took the infant from her and exclaimed joyously - "Look we have another sweetheart to nourish."As she had to wait awhile to see Mother, the writer helped with the babies, which she said was one of the most gratifying times of her life.
When Mother Teresa arrived, she graciously agreed to the interview.
And told the journalist, that "she was using her pen for loving service"
Soon after getting started, a very well dressed Indian couple with jewels,
rings adorning their expensive clothing, fingers and necks.
Interrupting and pushing aside the interviewer shoving their camera into her hands, the large wife stated loudly that they came from long away, and wanted
photos with the "Blessed Little Mother". Whereupon, she put her arms around Mother Teresa and roughly placed her between her and her turbaned husband.
The journalist was horrified, as the wife attempted to straightened the stooped shoulders of the Little Mother. "It had to hurt her", she thought, and was mystified as Mother Teresa went along with their request meekly and humbly.
After the wealthy rich couple left abruptly when a few photos were taken, the writer ask Mother Teresa - "How could you not be angry with their rude behaviour?"
Mother Teresa replied gently: "The rich need love too."
(I paraphrased this from memory, so if anyone knows the writer and more accurate quotes let me know, Merciful peace, Ron)

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