Monday, September 19, 2011

Beautiful Flower & Love Neurons - Desire To Change Mad to Glad!

‎"Neurons that fire together wire together. You can rewire your brain for higher consciousness by focusing on love." Deepak Chopra
By: Inspirology..

Pamela Brown: I once had a book on diiabetes that had micro pics of stagnant pong water that was prayed over and it became fresh and clear...was amazing!!! The other jar of same water wasnt and it didnt....

Rock Ridgeway: and you can feel this happening...scintillating energy flowing through you like a wild tide...

Speaking of changing "Mad to Glad", Ron Artest, former basketball badboy, has gone so far as to change his name to Metta World Peace. Metta is a traditional Buddhist word that means loving kindness to all. "The most ballyhooed name change of the year became official Friday morning when a Los Angeles County Superior Court commissioner approved the former Ron Artest's request to become Metta World Peace."

Just as the seed rises from the darkness to seek the light, our desire is what pushes us there to become the beautiful flower we already are. It is the mechanism that perpetuates the illusion of separation and becoming. Being is nothing without becoming. Without resistance to becoming, being would not be fully understood. So is the cycle of life being expressed by the Divine into the realm of becoming One with being; something we already are. Dean Banks

Expressing negative energy blocks your channel to the manifestation of the Divine perfect order of your purpose in your life. Clear your channel of expression by cleaning out the reactive negative emotions and by learning and developing positive pro-actions. One such pro-action would be turning frustration into being thankful for the blessings others are having, even though you might not currently perceive any blessings in your life. This frees you from creating more of the same ‘lack of blessings’ experience you may perceive. Develop the habit of turning things around by remembering that God allows U-turns; we are the only ones who sometimes don’t. ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.

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