Friday, September 9, 2011

Be Love Now

“The purpose of life is to recreate yourself anew in the next grandest version of the greatest vision ever you held about Who You Are.” – Neale Donald Walsch

Bent Kim Lundberg:
LOVE is unconditional or it is not LOVE at all. LOVE cannot judge or condemn, but only support and uplift you. LOVE is the strongest power in universe, and the only power that can heal a world. LOVE is FREE, eternal, unlimited and all inclusive, always supportive, and it is the opposition to fear. LOVE is all that is, so fear is also LOVE, LOVE of self. You are a beautiful being of LOVE.

The LOVE... I speak of here is the LOVE that god feels for you, divine LOVE, LOVE without any conditions as that would violate your FREE will and thus make god a liar. This LOVE is not of your mind, but of your heart. God is LOVE and so the fabric of universe and of you is LOVE, so this LOVE is in your every cell. You are created by LOVE. You are LOVE.

You are always worthy of LOVE. LOVE is unconditional and do not judge, so you cannot be deemed unworthy. If LOVE is not unconditional it is not LOVE, but only a pale shadow of LOVE. There is nothing in existence exactly like you, so you are totally unique in universe, and you are LOVE, for that is the fabric of LIFE. Enjoy and LOVE the ONEdrous miracle of you.

Thank you gods and goddesses of LIGHT for blessing me with the amazing LOVE that is your unique version of me.

I LOVE you
Bent Kim Lundberg

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