Saturday, August 20, 2011

Sensory Awareness, Love & Vipassana Meditation

You are so right dear Eva, "To thine own self be kind." (on my dieticians wall yesterday)
As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy..
Eva Tzouma:
Love, Ron, has many faces. As we sail the vast ocean of living energy, some of us realize that God is none other than the living energy that flows in our bodies, gives us life and breath to exist. I find it very important now to feel and to experience in practice this living love, here on Earth rather than seeking it in some imaginary place (in or out of me) where nobody has gone, Who or what is this God that all of us are seeking for? What else than being able to wake up in the morning and feel happy for your own existence, when you draw strength from yourself and getting your own decisions, staying stable and hitting the ground with all your senses? When you smell the scents of flowers, overlooking the sea as the sun sparkles on it, when you embrace sexually your partner feeling his body on yours, when tasting the food made with love and care when the mother embraces her newborn child and in his eyes she sees all the beauty of the world? With all this I mean that God is here on Earth, we see, live, feel, smell, taste him. And yet we are looking for him somewhere in the vast universe. You know what I mean; It's the same feeling when you once were sailing the seas and felt the salty wind in your face. But many people have forgotten how to feel alive through the five senses, perhaps fearing the reality here on Earth, and try to find ways to escape from a reality that creates pain, resentment, anger instead of fighting to create a reality that is based in here and now.
Anyway those are some of my thoughts lately and I wish the best for all of us in the path we have chosen.
Tell me about you, how is your health? How things going into your life?
Love and joy to you!!!..

Ron Alexander:
That is profound beautiful writing about love within and with the senses Eva. Interestingly I just returned from another ten day silent retreat and the Vipassana meditation is about developing a pure mind through the senses which pass quickly through our body is we don't attach to them - either toxic or pleasurable - the middle road. Sitting meditating that way - paying attention to the whole body is very healing. Then the last 5 minutes after about an hour of meditation is a Metta Prayer. Metta means loving kindness, compassion and wishing all beings to be happy, peaceful and free, so it goes along with your Onedafull writing. I am so grateful to have you as a friend. I am back to normal PLUS - the best meditation ever this morning - "free flowing ecstasy" - sat for an extra half hour without knowing it. Eva in joy life, you deserve the best!

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