Sunday, August 28, 2011

Practicing the Presence - Developing a Pure Mind!

Rob Jackson:"oh, my mind ! If you could only learn that everything is non-substantial and transitory; if you could only learn not to grasp after things, not to covet things, not to give way to greed, and anger and foolishness; then we might journey in quietness. Then, by severing the the bond of desires with the sword of wisdom, being undisturbed by changing circumstances - advantage or disadvantage, good or bad, loss or gain, praise or abuse - we might dwell in peace." ~ Teachings of Buddha
Ron Alexander: Thanks Rob for your wise post:Anicca, Annica - the Pali word for changes, constant changes! The Buddha says to observe them with equanimity - both good and bad - taking a middle road not attaching to either to "develop a Pure Mind" which in my words is the same as "Practicing the Presence of God(LOVE)".

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