Tuesday, August 23, 2011

From Peace or Egoic "Control"?

Gene Yakub:
I find that the weak link in many "spiritual" people is their assumption that they understand more than others, and that therefore others are ignorant and need to be taught by them. This is pure egoism, the highest taboo in spirituality. Yo...u know virtually nothing about me nor are you interested in knowing more about me, probably because you are so satisfied with yourself, and therefore have no idea about my experiences, knowledge, practices or how far I may have gone towards self-realisation. Perhaps I am more of a "peace Giver" than you are and have been for many more years than you have? So you could well be preaching to the converted, a rather unspiritual and unrealised thing to do. I find Facebook provides many people wiith a podium from which to preach and gather camp followers who "oohh" and "aahh" on cue but who really have no desire whatsoever to be "friends". I had thought that you and your group might be different but regret that you are not and so we come to a parting of our ways with best wishes for greater sincerity and humility on your part. Ignore all this if it's too uncomfortable, or you yourself learn from it for your own good.

Ron Alexander: Wow, you sure told Ra off, Gene! I am sure you are righteously pure and more, it sounds like you have some issues yourself! Aum Shanti, aum shanti! I am sure Ra will be humbled by all of this.....

Hi Ron! No, I'm not pure, righteously or otherwise, and I definitely have many issues to resolve, which is why I wouldn't take it upon myself to tell other people to be or not be something or other in a spiritual or other context in the pretext of being a great Knower. For me, only God who sees all past, present and future and is unconditional love can know who is or knows more than another. I hope that I only offer suggestions from support, encourgement and fellowship in our struggle to overcome challenges and move back to becoming divine again but I also do my best not to overdo that too. What I wrote about FB I do find unfortunately to be so, again not for everyone but I regret that instead of actually turning out to be a tool with which to share ourselves and others and offer that support and encouragement, we may again be losing a great opportunity to achieve great things for our universe and instead are remaining locked in egoism and the need to control again. What do you think? However, I have been telling myself since this incident that I too am judging and condemning so, as the great Master Sathya Sai Baba said: "when you point one finger, there are three pointing back at you". Om Shanti Shanti Shanti...Gene Yakub
17 minutes agoRon Alexander
Agree, wonderful response, Gene. Thank you for wise feedback! I hope to remain your friend! namaste', ron..
Bobby Hinkle
Hell is not geographical; it is mind poisoned by anger, jealousy, envy and all such rumblings of the ego, while heaven is mind, having transcended ego, uniting with the spiritual heart, which is from God, of God, and is God.
Ra Divakar: Thanks Bobby, agree' however for me it is a process - sometimes that feels long and painful and other times Now feels Eternaly Blissful. I prefer the latter however when I attach to the Bliss, something - a thought or a judgement or a criticism appears that takes me out of it. I don't know about you but I need alot of tools like meditation, prayer, time in silence, alonetime, support and inspiration from someone else like you. That is what I love about my fb friends - inspirational support. I am gratefully as One, ra

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