Saturday, July 16, 2011

Unconditional Love - Start with Love Within!

Unconditional Love ~ We cannot say we love anyone at all unconditionally unless we first have opened our hearts to love Ourselves unconditionally. It's simply not possible. However we view others, treat others, feel about others, we feel in and for Self first, without exception. So as beautiful a concept as it is that we strive to judgment of others, forgive all any perceived wrongs, it will remain just that, concepts until we have learned and integrated that the ultimate unconditionally loving act from which all others naturally spring is to Love everything about ourselves first, including all paradoxical aspects of our own humanness. The Power of Love resides Within us. We won't "want" it, "need" it, or "seek" it once we each realize we ARE It. ♥By: Kristiana Owens
.Dean A. Banks: The truth is revealed from the love of God; be open to the love of God and all will be unfolded in Divine order. ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Kristiana Owens
You have asked how to begin to train the mind and we say this: begin by staying in the present moment and watching fear-based, "what if?" scenarios. Take it by the hand as you would with a small child, without judgment. ~ The Keepers, 7.16.11

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