Thursday, July 28, 2011

Swimming in The Ocean Streams of Thought

Twelve Insight Journal

Each of you must decide which voices you are going to listen to each and every day. There are infinite streams of information flowing out there, and any number of them may serve you very well. When you find sources of ideas that are in alignment with your own desires and destination, you should adhere to them for as long as they remain in alignment with where you are wanting to go.

“But what about my own thoughts?”, you say. Your own thoughts are central to your being, but at the same time, you are swimming in an ocean of thought. You don't see them all the time. You see thoughts that are manifested and those that are manifesting in front of you. But for every manifested thought, there are literally millions of thoughts that fed into and shaped that creation before it crystallized into solid form.

It is so very easy to be distracted by all of that other stuff going on all around you. Even though that stuff's not for you, even though much of it—most of it—is not something that you want. It draws your attention, and where your attention goes Source Energy flows. So it is a benefit to immerse yourself in pools of positive thought; thoughts that are in alignment with the life experience you are wanting to create for yourself.

And it doesn't matter if the thoughts are true or not, it only matters if they feel right to you. When they feel right to you, then you are in a stream or a pool of thought that is in alignment with who you really are. And for now, it's the right place for you to be.

It may not stay that way forever—nothing ever does—but for now, that stream of thought is going in a direction that you want to go. You make a decision about these streams of thought every day. And you will always know by the way you feel, whether that stream is taking you to a place that's going to feel good when you get there.

Continually Swimming in the Flow of Divine Energy
Swim in the Ocean Stream of affirmative thinking, prayer, and meditation will keep this flow of Divine Energy streaming in our minds, our bodies, and our affairs, animating everything we do with the vitality that knows no weariness.
"This Energy is never depleted; it is never lessened. All of it is present right where we are; and all the joy in living is flowing within me and around me continuously."
Ernest Holmes (paraphrased)

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