Sunday, July 10, 2011

Logic is the Beginning of Wisdom

"Logic is only the beginning of wisdom, not the end." Dr. Spock

(I add at least logic is the beginning - got to start somewhere.)

Ron Alexander: agree, Wisdom is what we all want, yet we cannot get there without starting with logic - rational logical thinking combined with lovable, loviing, beloved feelings.

Ra Divakar:I can give an example of how logic is "the beginning of wisdom". A couple I know had many conflicts over money - no suprise there. However, upon inquiry, I found out that the wife, who was always broke, had a nice monthly income. The question was where did the money go? It was going to pay off a mortgage and a storage rooms in another city.

Ra Divakar:therefore, I asked the "broke wife" if she (& her husband) wanted to live in that other city. Neither wanted to live there, so I asked her was it not logical that she sell the house and furnishings (in storage), therefore having a nice income so she could feel prosperous along with her mate? "Since I have not been able to rent the house, and it has been empty for a few years, I do agree that it is logical that I sell them." The husband breathed a sigh of relief.

Jeanne Porter Ashley: Logic may be a fine place to start until one realizes there is no start and no here here...just being the perfection you are. Why are they having conflicts -- because they are in Divine timing just like everyone else. They will figure it out, I am sure.

Ra Divakar: I agree, and the husband was glad to not have to be the "moneybags/credit card" burdem all the time too. He wanted interdependence rather than co-dependence!

Jeanne Porter Ashley: Well, I hope they both understand that the tables may well turn and then where will they right or be happy...I guess they must be youngsters and don't understand life or relationships.

Ra Divakar: Well, there are many emotional issues that go along with it, all I know, is when they left the session, they both seemed pleased at the rational "solution". Whether they carry them through, I don't know...? I hope so for both of their sakes! And they are not "youngsters".

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