Friday, July 8, 2011

God in Buddha's Perspective? The Truth shall set us Free.

Ron Alexander: Ray, I like and feel is true what the Buddha says
"to end suffering, strive for a pure mind." Enlightenment would be to attain that Pure Mind. Isn't a "Pure Mind" a synonym for God, if there was such a Name in Buddhism?

Ray Loewenau: I don't know. I am no longer a Buddhist but I do know that the goal is the original undefiled pure mind. You have to tell me if that is what you mean by God.
Ron Alexander: To me, having an an "undefiled pure mind" would be the same as the I AM - God!
Ray Loewenau: Thanks for the clear definition. And they said it couldn't be done. That would also be my sense of what is at the base of all great religions.
Ron Alexander; Grateful for your perserverance, Ray - The Truth shall set us free! Yea!

BUDDHA WAS RIGHT: The two sources of irritation in life are not getting what we desire and getting what we desire.

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