Tuesday, July 5, 2011

FREEDOM Month - Fountain of Life Flows Open & Free

Sharing Free Spiritual Inheritance:
I will give unto them that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. -Rev. 21:6

The fountain of life flows freely, so do we accept freely? If God, or Life, has already given the gift, then even God, the Supreme and Perfect One, must await for our acceptance of this gift. Could it be we don't feel good enough about ourselves to accept the gifts of God? Or that we are not developed enough spiritually?
Too often we feel that these gifts are withheld, so we don't live in an enthusiastic and confident expectation of sharing with the Infinite.
Today I consciously share in the gifts of Life. I establish in my mind in joyous expectancy, a feeling that all the good there is must belong to everyone who will take it. I am receiving the Divine gift right now. I am entering into the spiritual inheritance that Life has willed that every person should possess. I enjoy the gift and pass it on. Freely, I give everything I have, blessing this gift as it passes through me to others, that it may be multiplied in their experience and in God's good way come back again to me.
-paraphrased Ernest Holmes from A YEAR OF DAILY WISDOM

Fons Vitae

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