Sunday, June 26, 2011

Equanimity for Progress in Spiritual Growth

Melanie Moore: I am trying in my life to accept both the good and the bad with equanimity.

Melanie L Moore: Equanimity: n, mental calmness,composure,and evenness of temper.

Equanimity for Progress in Spiritual Growth
Buddha's Discourse:
"Bhikkhus, whenever you hear someone criticize the Buddha or Dhamma, do not yield to emotions of anger, irritation, or resentment, which will act as a barrier to your spiritual progress.
Similarly, whenever you hear someone praise the Buddha or Dhamma, do not yield to emotions of happiness, satisfaction, or pride, which will also act as a barrier to your spiritual progress.
Only with a balanced mind, should you correct mistaken statements or acknowledge true ones."

Ron Alexander: Hugh and I came up with "Unity Community of Equanimity" after he asked question about "Community" and I asked question about meditation.

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