Saturday, June 25, 2011

Religio - Divide or Unite?

Dean A. Banks:
Religion comes from the Latin word ‘religio’ which means a binding together of people with common beliefs. If this is true, then we must choose carefully what we believe as well as the people we choose to associate with in our sharing of our beliefs. Believing we are the essence of love is truly being ourselves. When we ‘bind’ ourselves to this belief we are creating a religion of SELF that is the true essence of love. ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Felicity Williams: Sent to me by a friend many years ago... The devil and his friend.! The devil once went for a walk with a friend. They saw a man stoop down and pick up something from the pathway. " What did the man find?" asked the friend. " A piece of th...e truth" said the devil. " Doesn't that disturb you?" asked the friend. " No it does not," said the devil, " I shall allow him to make a religious belief out of it". A religious belief is a signpost pointing the way to truth,People who cling tenaciously to the signpost, are prevented feom moving towards the truth, because they have the false feeling that they already possess it!!

God made so many different kinds of people;
why would God allow only one way to worship?
Martin Buber

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