Sunday, June 5, 2011

Count it all Joy!

Do that which brings you joy. The rest of it will come to you when you find the joy part of it. The actions that you take are irrelevant to the process unless they are on the Joyful Way. Walk in Beauty. And if you feel you must do something that simply doesn't bring joy to you, then bring joy to it; find a way to feel good about what are doing, while you are doing it. Make something up if you must; feeling good is what matters.

And we would rearrange that task list you have going there according to the Joy Factor, and forget the action-planning part of it. Forget the logical part of it. Do this if only for the reason that if it’s joyful, it’s more likely to actually get done. (Giggle)

In some ways your daily to-do’s are going to be built on shifting sand, and that’s good because you are in motion. So this part will feel joyful today and that part will feel joyful tomorrow. Make a fishbowl out of it and write the Universe's name on the side of the bowl. Really. Print them all out on little slips of paper and put them in a bowl and let us choose. Don't read them: Feel them. Feel the vibrational signature of the task on the paper before you ever look at what it is.

Source Being is steering the boat for you. Your to-do list is you steering the boat, and your boat goes a lot slower than Hers. Give up your personal journey and get on board with Source. That’s it. That’s all. Let go of what you thought was important and replace it with what brings you joy. Then you are in alignment. And when you are in alignment with who you really are, you will be moving faster than anyone can comprehend, because your world will be in motion along with you, like two rockets speeding along toward a joyous place of rendezvous.

You are blessed and loved upon your journey,


Ron Alexander ‎"I slept and dreamt that life was Joy...
I awoke and saw that life was Service...
I acted and behold...
Service was Joy..." ♥

Twelve Insight Journal

June 12, 2011

Pursue the path of joy. That which brings you joy, even if it seems on the surface to be unproductive, is indeed exactly the right thing to be doing, for when you are in joyful alignment the power of the Universe is at your back fully—the wind is in your sails, you see. It is that wind that is going to carry you to all of the places you are wanting to go, not just to the particular thing that is generating the joyful connection at that exact moment.

You have a tendency to attach yourself to one particular path, and then milk it until you are sick of it and frustrated, and that’s not the way. You have to remain in joyful alignment. Joyful alignment is the wind in your sails.

Joyful alignment is the “on” switch. It shows that you are plugged in to Source Energy and your dream will be vitalized by it. Without the Joy connection you are pedaling an electric car with your feet … and it’s a heavy clunker that way. So the Joy Connection is the ticket to fulfillment of all you have visioned, and it doesn’t matter how you get it.

Pursue Joy! You are surrounded by a wind of Divine Grace but you must lift your sails into that Great Wind. Plug in your car. Make the finding of joy your primary purpose. Happy. Joyous. Free. In the finding of joy all of your dreams will be realized. In doing it all by yourself none of them will. You can paddle or you can sail. You can peddle or you can drive, it is your choice every day. You just have to believe that Source will do this for you. She/He will. She/He has got nothing better to do, really, than take you where you want to go. That’s not a putdown, its just the truth.

Without you, Source has nowhere to go: Without Source, you are not going anywhere. Yours is a Grand Union, an Alliance. Feel your part, feel the Presence of that Alliance. It is Yours. Always. Forever. You are Married to Source first and foremost, and the offspring of your Union is the entire Universe of Man.

You are blessed and loved upon your journey,


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