Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Ultimate Truth Yet

The Ultimate Truth may be mindlessness
yet while in my body, I cherish my mind.
The Ultimate Truth may be selflessness
yet while in my body, I cherish my self.
The Ultimate Truth may be egolessness
yet while in my body, I cherish my ego.
The Ultimate Truth may be eternalness,
yet while in my body, I cherish now.
The Ultimate Truth may be infinity,
yet while in my body I cherish here.
The Ultimate Truth may be spirit,
yet while in my body, I cherish my body.
The Ultimate Truth may be oneness
yet while in my body, I cherish our
The Ultimate Truth may be beyond earth,
yet while in my body, I cherish the earth.

Aum Men, Aum Women, Aum One, Aum Shanti!

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