Thursday, May 19, 2011

Restoring Health & Living with Chronic Pain

Bobby Hinkle
"To dwell in fear of future illness, especially illness based on family history, is like putting your faith in negative probabilities. Instead, meditate daily in faith, visualizing the healing energy that belongs to you as much as it belongs to God."
Thanks Bobby, this is just what I needed to read today, as I have had some... troubles with health lately. I am asking for everyone to visualize with me perfect health by June 7th when I have a "Stress Test" and ultrasound on my carotid arteries. I visualize completely open vessels producing much more energy, clarity and joy in my life! I am so grateful for your supportive inspirational healing help!
I am making the necessary lifestyle changes - replacing eggs, cheese, white bread, pasta with oatmeal, cereal, almonds, ginger, tumeric, lots of brown rice, veggies, salad, veggie burgers, some fish, etc, And increasing my stamina with walking everyday - getting better and better in every way!

Lori Easterly: Visualizing the healed wholeness that we are. Blessings, brother.
Jeanne Porter Ashley: Go, Darling! Yay, Ron! BIG love always, your Jeanne ♥Craig Moriarty: Visualizing physical restoration and the ultimate transfiguration to incorruptible bodies
read this everyday in the Daily Word and today i thought of you.

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Between You and Virginia Klein

Virginia Klein: I read this everyday in the Daily Word and today i thought of you.

The healing power of spirit works in and through me. Illness is not who I am and I am not defined by a diagnosis. I am one with spirit and the life force of God. God is at work both inside and outside of me. I consciously open myself up to receive God's life giving energy in mind body and spirit. During prayer and meditation I visualize myself harnessung this energy. I see God's healing light lovingly infusing every cell every organ of my body. I deny anything that stands in the way of accepting God's healing light. I affirm that I am completely whole and and healed. Reaching out to others I ask for support and provide love and complete acceptance to those who need healing power.
"All the crowd were trying to touch him for power came out from him and healed all of them." Luke 6;19

Living with Chronic Pain -
Kristiana Owens
Chronic pain doesn't have to equate to Suffering unless you Allow your mind to say it's so.
No matter what science labels your pain to be or come from, no matter how many attempts at lessening of the pain fail, allowing yourself to feel gratitude for the pain and not bracing against it will bring some relief. It is a part of you for ...a reason. Ascensionists say it's our bodies changing to be able to live multidimensionally. When I'm in pain, I move to very still, quiet places in me to not aggravate my condition with movement or negative thought patterns that will exacerbate my levels of discomfort. From these times, I am moved to explore me on a whole other level. From the calm flows through me such loving peace and I Am grateful for those moments of Divine Clarity. The Light will penetrate every corner of darkness in your life if you just open the doors of your heart and let it In. Whether or how we understand this truth to Be matters not. Only that we don't shut the doors on Exploring our own limitless possibilities. They won't always be pain free. But they will Allways nurture in each of us lessons in how to not resist what Is, but to let All flow through us with gentle Awareness.
Namaste ♥ q

Robyn pulled the 'Ascension' card for Ron Alexander using Path of the Soul Destiny Card Reading!
Ascension - Path of the Soul Destiny Card Reading
Your energetic field is in a state of change and expansion. You have begun to vibrate at higher levels as your consciousness moves more in alignment with your Higher Self. You are one of the fore runners working towards Ascension to raise the of the planet. The changes you are experiencing are not always comfortable, but they are necessary for your continued growth. The true beauty of your soul is beginning to show and it has a positive and uplifting effect on others.
I reread this inspirational post, dear Robyn, and want to tell you how important the affirmation is for me now! I am so grateful! Especially this: "The changes you are experiencing are not always comfortable, but they are necessary for your continued growth."

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