Sunday, May 22, 2011


Your nonphysical creation is there, in completed, perfected form, in your imaginal creation space, womb of Creator. And with your periodic thought you are holding it in perfection, thinking of it always, allowing it to become more and more clear, more connected, more solid, more real, more precisely formed, more familiar. It’s on track for an arrival in physical life form on the rendezvous date.

Your physical life is also on a track for the rendezvous date. You are making preparations. You are making the space ready to receive. You love your space. You love yourself. You love those around you, whether they deserve it or not, because you are making your life-space ready. You don’t get angry at the weeds, you just give them a tug and send them on their way. You don’t worry about the things that seem out of your control, you just do the things you can. You have peace in your life now, and your physical life is on track for the rendezvous point with your imaginal creation as well.

You live in two worlds you see: the imaginal creation zone, vortex of creation, and in the physical world of manifestation. You can have your attention on one or the other at any given time, and your physical world tends to be a little grabby and demanding of attention if you allow it.

The tasks you have to attend to in each of the worlds are different. In your world of creation you are building things to perfection in ideal form (idea and ideal being of the same root). In your physical world you are preparing the space, making the field fertile, and manifesting peace. Think on the things that are worthy of praise. Appreciate and appreciate it. In the nonphysical world you create what is yet to be, and Source Energy flows into it, fathers it, becomes it. In the physical you appreciate what already is, nurture it, grow it, develop it, love it. Two worlds: two approaches. And on the chosen day they will merge into one.


Ra Divakar Thanks Brian, nice to see a article like this without seeing any part of us demeaned.

Ron Alexander: Yes, Ra - especially the "ego". Yes, I know it is hard to write inspirational pieces without smashing this part of ourselves, and like the mind/self we will eventually lose the ego, but while we are in our temples (our precious bodies) we need a healthy ego (not unbalanced egoism (egotistical) or weak ego to operate our daily lives, to drive our car, to run our business.
8 minutes ago · As Gary Zukav says "the ego is our earth guide." and "this too shall pass". And I believe in St. Francis's ultimate truth: "it is in dying to the self that we are born to eternal life." I know it is mainly semantics - mind, self, "ego", yet I think it is important for earth balance to differentiate.

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