Friday, May 27, 2011

Healing Scarf - Healing with or without certainty

Joyce Ripp, a dear friend from Unity and Ernest Holmes' Science of Mind, painted this gorgeous Healing Scarf for me with a prayer written on it from Ernest Holmes's RICHER LIVING. Just as important, she wrote me: "You do not have to have certainty while you go through your medical adventure. Your mind can be filled with limp jello thoughts - those around you will hold the truth for you in mind as certainty that your healing is in divine right order - etcetera. Just know that we know. As I spend the day painting, I was in prayer for you."
God and I are one. Nothing can separate me from the Father. All that I am, and all that I do, is the Divine Presence expressing Itself through me. The thoughts I think and the words I speak are life and truth because God speaks them through me. Of myself I give no authority to my prayer, but the child of God in me knows that the authority of the Father brings the words that I speak to pass.
I speak the word of health for my body, my feelings and my thoughts, knowing that the Father within is the Power which brings this wholeness into complete being. I speak the word of Divine guidance and the wisdom of the universe wells up as a beacon and lead me into paths of right-use-ness, to make straight and clear my every day paths. I speak the word of joy and the Father within frees me from loneliness and sadness. I speak the word of peace to the world and know that the peace of God reaches into the hearts and minds of people of all nations

I am so grateful, dear Joyce,for your Healing Scarf and Prayers!

It appears to have helped that I quit eating eggs, bread, potatoes, and cheese for breakfast and have cut out my former snacks of popcorn with mixed nuts (fairly often). Also, we are making tea out of ginger root and licorice, which reduces my dizziness and nausea.
Thank you All for holding my in your prayers, Nameste' ron

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