Sunday, May 29, 2011

Everything is exactly right - here & now!

Find the better feeling path from here. Make peace with where you are here and now, and realign yourself from here. Your usual error is to blame yourself, and look about saying “I’m not where I should be, something must be wrong.” That’s the problem; self blame, judgment, criticism.

The Universe is handling things exactly right, according to your vibration, so when you switch to judgment and blame, your destination shifts. Keep it clean, aligned. Judge not your journey. Everything is exactly right, including you and the way you feel.

~ Twelve

Address things now that could otherwise turn into regrets.
Jane Fonda

" Do whatever you must with people; but don't take them out of your heart even for a moment. Neem Korala Dass

James Oneill-
In allowing everything to be as it is, the concequence is deep relaxation into the current experience. This reveals with increasing certainty peace that is ever available. In resting beyond ideas & circumstance often, we are more prepared for 'challenging situations'. This means reaction born of fear & conditioning increasingly falls away & responding from the heart of knowing takes over. Life IS perfect ♥

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