Sunday, April 17, 2011

Take Yourself Lightly - Fly Like an Angel!

Smile First
“Smile at life, even when life has not smiled at you first. Be the first one to initiate goodness, and you’ll be the first one to benefit from that goodness. You are here, and there is nothing to fear. Count your blessings, and before you’re finished counting you’ll have even more.”
The Daily Motivator by Ralph Marston
( thanks, Steve Farrell)

Life is like a mirror. Smile at it and it smiles back at you.
- Peace Pilgrim : ))

Orandon Marie Perfect! Sometimes smiling is the best response and even more effective than silence. You can at least enjoy the pleasure of having a little smile for yourself. We all know the world is suffering, but how much of that suffering is created by ourselves? So even smiling in our pain can and does create transformation. We are just spirits having human experiences.
Playfully Serious, and Seriously Playful...
That's how to run this Chocolate Factory. (((♥)))

Orandon Marie ‎(People take themselves too seriously, don't ya think?) ♥
Nataliosa Ichimoku Mafiosa likes this..Faerykissnaturals Theresa Love it.
Ron Alexander Sheriously, offisher, I didn't drop a drink!
Orandon Marie Drunken Disorderly, or Disorderly Drunken??? ; p
Passionately-Crazy... AND! Crazily-Passionat
Orandon Marie The bar around the corner is called "The Stumbling Monk"... (But after I few? I call it "The Mumbling Skunk"...)
Ron Alexander Everytime I see someone like prosperity teacher last night say "seriously" with a strained look on their face, I like to use "sheriously"to lighten things up a bit. Good one, Orandon, thanks!
AOrandon Marie Good Point, Ron! (BTW: our body language says a helluva lot more than words. Like, 90% more! All the more reason to make online forums FUN! And not too full of serious bullshit, IMO!) ; ) xo! ♥

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