Monday, April 11, 2011

- "educate them in attaining Oneness. Share the wealth of spirit with all every day by giving love."

Ra Divakar
Be at peace. We are gradually changing from within. We are growing and expanding from ego-based dualism into spiritually based Oneness. As we unfold we will embrace each other more with our inner spiritual connection. Our youth is our hope and we must educate them in attaining Oneness. Share the wealth of spirit with all every day by love. It will catch on and spread like wildfire. It is up to us to live it every day and share it with every one we meet. Peace. ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.
Ra Divakar: WISDOM - "educate them in attaining Oneness. Share the wealth of spirit with all every day by giving love." Thanks so much Dr. Dean - will share!

Loading...Ra Divakar Have to add this by Dr. Dean:"As much as I had learned during my younger years nothing ever brought me to spiritual Oneness as much as when my eldest son fell asleep in my arms and I watched him sleep. I felt his spirit and I knew that God was within both of us. He is 32 now and bigger than me with a family of 4 kids and I know he had the same experience with his first child. These are the moments God gives us to know He is there. It is God's blessing to feel His spirit within another. Embrace that feeling and know the Divine." ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.
PeaceMaker Diggs (photos)
My heart sets upon waves of Light
Each Silent thought that bears INsight
Lapping against Time's endless shores
Smoothing sands beyond my mind's doors
The treasured Pearls that I find there
Angelic ONEders everywhere
Are you who've walked the cliffs with me
Cherished souls of Eternity ♥
. Kristiana Owens
"Be LOVE, be JOY, be playful, for you are ONE with all, and you are here to explore and redefine yourself in the most ONEderful journey of LIFE. Never forget that you are totally unique in creation, and that because the truth is found in your heart in the kingdom of god, the shortest path home is listening to your heart and expressing the LOVE you meet there. Be the LOVE from inside"~Bent Kim Lundberg

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