Saturday, April 16, 2011

Changing - "Rejecting" Negativity

The key to removing unwanted thoughts, actions and behaviors is to reject them, not resist them. Rejecting is dismissing something's validity and letting it go and resisting something is assigning a negative value to it that you don't like and feel the need to fight against it. Resist not, but reject any value that you feel is inappropriate to your growth and expansion. ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Ron Alexander: Another valuable post, Dr. Dean. I have been working on changing negative thoughts to affirmative ones and it ain't easy sometimes or is that most of the time? Acceptance and gratitude really helps. Can we accept our thought even while we reject it while being grateful that we know we have a choice?

Borrow the Beloved's eyes.
Look through them
and you'll see the Beloved's face everywhere.
No tiredness, no jaded boredom...
things you have hated will become helpers.

Jalaluddin Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks
We Are Three

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