Saturday, March 12, 2011

Why "Love your enemy?"

Swami Satchananda helps us understand: "If anyone speaks ill of you, Praise them always. If anyone injures you, serve them nicely. If anyone persecutes you, help them in all possible ways. You will attain immense strength. You will control anger and pride. You will enjoy peace, poise and serenity. You will become divine."

Byron Katy role models this principle very well when she is verbally attacked. As when one calls her a "bitch", for instance, she will take a minute and look inside, and then admit she can "I can find the 'bitch' in me." "In defenselessness my safety lies." it says in ACIM. Ghandi and Martin Luther King role modeled that very well in their non-violent achievements. Jeanne, my partner, reminds me that to "love our enemy does not mean we have to like them." What a relief.

Earth has no sorrow that heaven (Love) cannot heal.
Thomas Moore

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