Sunday, March 13, 2011

Achieve Oneness With All Life By Complete Forgivingness

If we want complete clearance of attitude, we must forgive everyone and everything. Whether we like it or not, or whether we accept it or not, this is one of the great truths of life.
Not only should we forgive others, but we should equally forgive ourselves...A great deal of our trouble, both mental and physical, is built on an unconscious sense of rejection and guilt...It is necessary that each of us seek complete forgivingness toward both ourselves and others.
Today I affirm that I forgive everyone and am forgiven by everyone. I affirm that the eternal Spirit harbors no malice toward me or anyone else. Forgiving and being forgiven, I have an inward sense of peace and tranquility. There is no anxiety, no sense of guilt, no fear of judgement. All mistakes of the past are now wiped out in my consciousness and I no longer carry any burden from them. I look forward to the future with joy, peace and gladness, and I live in the present with the inner assurance of being One with All Life.
paraphrased from Ernest Holmes'"A Year of Daily Wisdom"
And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye ought against any: that your Father which is also in heaven may forgive your trespasses. ---Mark 11:25
It is better to be kind to others than to go all out to prove you are right. ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.
Ashleigh Grace Walkinshaw: Apologizing does not mean anyone is wrong or right~it simply means your relationship is more important to you than your ego.
Ron Alexander: Like Ashleigh's reasoning above, and I had rather be happy than right (admittedly both is better for my ego).
"I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you." (HoOponopono prayer is very effective for "complete forgiveness.")
Marcus Robinson: Adding my voice(type), forgiveness is yet another form of love. Love is the Word. Love was with God. Love is the Word made flesh. Jesus' first commandment - love. 2nd commandment - love. Simple Be Love.
Dean A. Banks
Jesus' main message was forgiveness. He said to bless those that curse you and sin against you. What is sin? Not loving God or your fellow humankind and serving your ego for your own gain without caring for the needs of anyone ...else. ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.
Anne Williams: Forgive the sinner. Do not ennable the sin. "Hate not the sinner, hate the sin." and do something about it while you're at it! LOL
Prudence-Prajna Oneness:
Forgiveness ends the dream of conflict ~A Course in Miracles
Gus Castellanos: The light has come.
I have forgiven the world.
‎"only God's plan for salvation [True Forgiveness] will work" ~A Course in Miracles
"i am not alone in the effects of my seeing" ~ A Course in Miracles
True Forgiveness = seeing nothing in need of forgiveness, no person, no situation ~ UNconditional (no conditions :-) LOVE ♥ Our True and ONLY "Reality"
Prudence-Prajna Oneness ACIM, given from Awakeness, re-cognized IN Awakeness (I am quite sure that I could not "learn" any of this, and yet, By Grace, it is simply Known
Ron Alexander: I like all those quotes from ACIM which I studied for years, and with Bill Thetford in the mid-80's who I think was a realized Being when he dropped his body ("feeling never so free"). And I agree with you that the last realization on "true forgiveness - unconditional love" cannot be learned. I think like "Reality", "ego", "this world", "our body", most of us need to "drop their body' before this realization - this "Awakening" has to be by Grace - congratulations Prudence, thank you!

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