Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Love is Letting Go of Fear

"Love is letting go of fear" is a book title by Jerry Jampolsky and a principle of Jerry's Attitudinal Healing adapted from ACIM. Google it and there are plenty of reasonably priced books for sale! I worked for Jerry at the Attitudinal Healing Center in the 80's.
I leave my fears at the door when I leave and again when I return. Discharging fear is empowering! ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.
We are taught to fear the unknown, fear what we don't understand and that mistakes are bad. Mistakes show us what not to do again. Fear shows us what we need to understand. The unknown shows us that there is more to the universe than our egos. We are only One with Divine order when we understand what hasn't worked, move toward what does work and embrace the unknown without fear. ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Andy Skadberg:Trust can replace fear. If we use our higher reasoning, and our abilities to connect to greater truth by going inside. I don't fear that the sun won't shine, or the molecules of my body will maintain. All is under the care of One great love.... It is only in the conditioned responses that target our lower natures that keep us in fear. One of the main ones is the fear of death. Even science tells us energy always stays, it just changes form. So this fear has no logical basis. I believe, at our core, our greatest fear is not being loved. But this is the most unfounded fear of all. God, the One loves all, it is the motivating factor of this material life. As a young man I had this intuition that I would have to face all of my fears. The one that I had been postponing was, what would I do without money. How I avoided that?, I worked like a madman for most of my life. Until 2008 when my heart urged me on to the unknown. I went for 2 years without earning a dime, and not necessarily by choice, at least consciously. Sometimes it was intense not knowing where the next meal would come from, etc., etc. and this was not just for me, also my family. Miracle, after miracle, after miracle. Well, I faced that fear, and I'm still here. Yahoo!
Kill the snake of doubt in your soul, crush the worms of fear in your heart and mountains will move out of your way.Kate Seredy
Ron Alexander I affirm Love Within and deny anything that refutes Love. I Love without fear!
Craig Moriarty
In order to transcend fear, we have to be able to accept and even embrace emotional pain. To know love as more than a concept we have to be vulnerable. When we allow ourselves to be vulnerable, somebody is going to hurt us, probably because they are afraid. We have to be able to fully accept this in order to remain vulnerable and be love. If we don't then we are allowing our fear of hurt to master us. Fear is the energy matrix of this 3d reality. To transcend 3d we have to transcend fear and be love. It is quite easy to think loving thoughts and say loving words when we feel okay. It is not so easy when we are in pain. Love and encouragement to All for allowing love to be the Master.

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