Saturday, March 19, 2011

Joyous Expectations of Greatest Good for Everyone

Since One Spirit of Love is in All, and I have joyous expectations of Love for myself, I expect the same joyous Love for All. One Love, ron
Today I go forth in joy, knowing that everyone is my friend, knowing that I am a friend to all. I believe that Divine Love is protecting me and Divine Intelligence is guiding me. It is my sincere desire to share everything I have with others and to expect the greatest good for everyone. Knowing that the same Spirit, this One Spirit of the living God, is in all, over all, and through all, I expect more good than I have ever experienced. I am keeping my mind open to Divine intuition, the instinctive knowledge that is omnipresent Wisdom that ordains, governs, and controls everything. Ernest Holmes
You cannot give your life more days,
but you can give your days more life.


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