Saturday, February 19, 2011

One of God, One of Love (fullmoon@sunrise)

The next day, I took camera and took about shot of near fullmoon at sunrise. The one below is from Google images:

Fullmoon@sunrise this morning
Walking the dogs, so glad to be alive
Fullmoon to the west, as the sun rose
Out of the Ocean
Playful dogs, friendly beach walkers
...Canada geese honking above
Dogs pulling on leash
Hard to leave gorgeous sunrise
Full moon pulling me home.
So glad to be alive
I repeat while walking
With love, I walk in gratitude.
With love, I walk in gratitude.
For my increasingly beautiful life.

Kahu Kahealani Kawaiolamanaloa Satchitananda
"There is one Spirit incarnated in everyone, an immortal presence causing everyone to live. What a difference it would make in our human relationships if we tried to sense the full meaning of the divine incarnate in all people and adjust our viewpoint to the truth that we are all bond together in the unity of God." Ernest Holmes

Ron Alexander Ernest Holmes (my fav. metaphysical writer): "We are not one in God or one with God, but we are one of God."
"In the beauty and quiet of this moment, I commune with the Divine Presence. The Certainty of love and friendship flows into my consciousness." thanx, Kahu, in the Spirit of One Love, ron

I had a dream last night - A dream of ONEness
by Bent Kim Lundberg
The most wonderful and deeply fulfilling dream I’ve ever had.

I dreamed that I was living on a planet in Peace,
in a place where everyONE around me was Love, Joy and Truth.
Where I was surrounded by people, who are able to express their highest visions about humanity,
manifested in the way they are acting towards each other and to themselves.

I dreamed that each morning when I woke up I went down to the restaurant,
and was meet by amazingly beautiful spirited people,
who hugged me and touched me, and expressed their LOVE for me,
in so many different inspiring ways.

I dreamed that we were dancing, laughing and playing together all through the day,
and that we were talking about life in an environment,
where everyONE felt completely safe and unconditionally loved,
and where laughter, joy and amazement were the shared experience.

I dreamed that these people all was so fantastically peaceful, accepting and loving,
that it was possible for a woman to allow 5 men to give her soothing massage,
alone with them in a room only lit by candles, without any fearful thoughts,
knowing that noONE would touch her anywhere that she would not want them to.

I dreamed that I saw this profoundly liberating display of love,
when ONE man in the circle rose from his chair,
to take a walk around in our circle, kissing everyONE on their lips,
without any kind of resentment or fear, in full acceptance from all involved.

I dreamed that we were hugging each other, and looking deeply into each other’s eyes,
recognizing our own beautiful soul dancing such a marvelous dance of LOVE,
making us feel totally and completely LOVED, and creating deep acceptance of our selves,
synergistically raising our energies to a higher level than I have ever experienced before

Dancing in the streets as ONE.

I dreamed that we could talk about anything without fearing any form of judgment,
that everyONE present listened respectfully and let the speaking person finish without interrupting.
That when someONE had need for comfort or support, it was not necessary to ask for it,
because everyONE was feeling the others fully and completely, and was there for you instantly.

I dreamed that Great Masters of life, some not even seeing their own greatness, surrounded me.
Masters of Love, Laughter, Truth, Play, Dance, Singing, Healing and many more.
That I was healed by some of them so much that my physical being was relieved of old pain,
and I even experienced my energy rising to a level where bright white light lit up my head inside.

I dreamed that we went out into the streets, and showed humanity a glimpse of its beautiful nature.
That we filled the public room with dancing, singing, laughter and angelic touches of each other.
And that more and more people came to us, awakening by the divinity in this display of LOVE,
and brought great gifts of HOPE, LOVE and KINDNESS back to their family.

And people attracted to the display of LOVE became ONE with us.

I dreamed that I was walking in The Garden of EDEN, with Adam and Eve,
and all the great prophets of history.
That I was making love to god all day long,
while angels were singing tales of what humanity can become when it awakens.

And then I realized.
I was not dreaming at all.
All of this is for real.

Thank you god, for letting me experience this at the 4th friendship gathering, in Prague.

This week alone would have been enough reason for me to choose to be born on earth this time.
I am deeply grateful to each individual version of you, god, for being so incredibly amazing,
and especially for being my teachers in so many special and wonderful ways.

Thank you for teaching me to LOVE myself, for I cannot overlook how amazing I must be,
to be allowed to walk amongst you and receive the gift of your unconditional LOVE.
The tears that are falling from my eyes right now are tears of GRATITUDE and LOVE.

You bring HOPE to humanity and you will change the world into a place where every BEING on this planet Earth will be able to experience a LIFE like I just experienced last week.
I honor you all for having the courage and determination to reCREATE our world in LOVE.

I have no words to express my LOVE for you, but I know you can feel me.

Thank you for showing me your divine nature god.
And thank you for BEING here in this time of change.

Derek Stone
Control and manipulation of the Human Being that has been going on for a very long time is coming to an end. Vibrations are changing and we are all being given new opportunities to realize our divinity and to love each other. During the next 18 months we will all be affected by these changes depending upon our past and present life use of our free will and willingness to love. Change your mindset and give out love.

Derek:Vibrations are changing in our world in our lives and peoples true self are being revealed. It is now even more important than ever to realize who we really are and love one another. Present and coming Earth changes are a result of negative mass consciousness and we all have an opportunity to change this. Love yourself, others, Mother Earth our Universe and do it now from your Heart. Ye are Gods

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