Monday, February 7, 2011

No Mistake Certainty - Do you know what I mean? Have your eyes really seen?

Craig Moriarty
It is no mistake that I am here. I chose to come here for this experience. I am intent on evolving in this experience and mastering it. No teaching, doctrine, opinion or any antitheses of any sort can dissuade me from what I know I am here for. I am grateful for the opportunity to cooperate will All that are here like wise.
Ron Alexander: Thanks Craig, "no mistake" equals "nemaste" in my book!
When every situation which life can offer is turned
to the profit of spiritual growth, no situation
can really be a bad one.

Paul Brunton

Bobby Hinkle
A mind engaged in the continuing belief in a biological Jesus coming back, body and soul, to the earth, creates an unnatural division with the heart; for the heart cannot relate to biological time and space doctrine; the heart relates only to the spirit, and the heart naturally clings to God like a child to her father's hand.
Also, we must free our thinking from the religious expectation of a biological return of Jesus Christ. The heart, housed and anointed by the spirit, is the Christ. Christ appearing through the clouds is a mythological reflection of what clouds represent. Clouds are created by a mind focused on duality, and influenced by ego. What appears through the clouds is the realization of our true identity...the son of God. There is only one son of God, and we are all perfectly united within the one son.

Ron: The realization of God's Love in our heart is the 'return of Christ", and did Love go anywhere anyway? "Praying without ceasing" is the continual knowing of God's Love in our heart. I wish I could say I was there, but certainty is increasing.

Love is the key we must turn
Truth is the flame we must burn
Freedom the lesson we must learn
Do you know what I mean
Have your eyes really seen
(Elton John's Tumbleweed Connection album - thanks Jeanne for finding)

Love Song - all the lyrics
The words I have to say
May well be simple but they're true
Until you give your love
There's nothing more that we can do

Love is the opening door
Love is what we came here for
No one could offer you more
Do you know what I mean
Have your eyes really seen

You say it's very hard
To leave behind the life we knew
But there's no other way
And now it's really up to you

Love is the key we must turn
Truth is the flame we must burn
Freedom the lesson we must learn
Do you know what I mean
Have your eyes really seen

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