Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Love is a fire -- Fiery Feb.

Love is a fire and I am wood. Rumi
Some day, after we have mastered the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness ...the energies of love. Then, for the second time in the history of the world, we will have discoved fire. Pierre Tielhard De Chardin
Love is the central flame of the Universe, nay, the very fire itself. Ernest Holmes
We may think of the Divine as a fire whose outgoing warmth pervades the Universe. Plotinus.

Just as religion made up the devil to keep people under control, now some people have to make the ego a satan. The ego is not the problem, a healthy ego is just as important as a healthy body. Being egotistic or an egoist or even a weak ego is having the ego out of balance & is hurtful. If you are going to "kill" the ego, you might as well drop the body or have alot of support - you will need someone to drive for you, cook for you, bath you, and feed you. Freud's definition of ego which he devised in the 30's was to be the CONSCIOUS mediator between the id (survival instincts) & superego (our Self). Gary Zukav has a great definition of ego - our earth guide. And he says "Love" is the only Reality! ron

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