Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Sin is anything you do that separates you from love. Danny Dummit

Danny Dummitt
Just wrote this...hope you all like it...

The Basic ABC’s Of Gods Unconditional love

Accepts you as you are right here, right now
...Believes that you’re already perfect
Considers you an extension of divinity
Doesn’t see your limitation’s, because they are a myth
Encourages you ever so gently and tenderly
Forgets all your yesterdays and sees only your tomorrows
Gives endlessly without expecting anything in return
Hold’s you in the highest and in the purest light
Journey’s with you everywhere you go, or where ever you are
Keeps an endless guard of the health of your soul and essence
Laughs when you laugh and cries when you cry
Moves heaven and earth for your simplest desires
Never doubts for a second in your endless possibilities’
Operates in your best interest endlessly and tirelessly
Protects you from your self-doubt
Quiets your fears with assurances and understanding
Releases you from all blame and guilt
Supports you in all you dreams, goals and desires
Trust in you and your ability completely
Unconditional love means truly without any condition
Visualizes you only in happiness and Joy
Won’t ever leave you or forsake you
EXcites you to be alive here, and in the NOW
Your dreams are loves reality
Zealously encouraging in every moment

Ron Alexander: I think Suchi's post yesterday summarizes - Suchi Kumar:
"I see you ~ all of you...
...the good, the bad, the bliss, the sad,
the light, the dark, the divine, & the malign too...
I still see Love when I see You."
......~Heidi Sunshine Duering

We CANNOT Teach Anyone about LOVE. We can Only become LOVE and Allow others to Experience our Joy." ♥ ~ Eric Allen

Only a person who loves themselves for who they are can love another for who they are.

"Love yourself as much as you can and all of life will mirror this love back to you." - Louise L. Hay

Not loving others is really just a symptom of not loving yourself

….danny dummitt

Margi Thomas: Yes and when you cannot love and accept yourself, when you are angry, spiteful, jealous, judgmental etc., you are an empty vessel and an empty vessel has nothing to give other than your fearful baggage, agendas and burdens. An empty vessel cannot receive love and abundance because you are in so much denial of accepting yourself or of trying to give everything to others that you ‘miss the boat’ — so to speak and ignore any opportunities that come your way to receive.

I know that Love is harmony and peace and joy. In it is all good, all that is true, all that is beautiful. It is perfect balance, perfect poise. I empty my mind and heart of all but Love. I let Love express in me and through me. I let Love flow out into my world and thought and action. I am Love. (God is Love). The Love in me shines forth as harmony, peace, joy, freedom, and wisdom. Love binds me to the whole of creation. I find fulfillment through loving. Ernest Holmes

"When you experience another you with an illness or 'challenge', understand that this is perfect for the soul entity manifesting the other ONE. Be LOVE for that is the strongest power in universe. Come from inside, be compassion and JOY, do not entertain your mind with fear, but use your heart to create the experience that is most JOYFUL and happy for all. LOVE can heal a world. You are LOVE"~Bent Kim Lundberg

Ron Alexander: BE LOVE NOW (by Ram Dass) book really helps you understand the Yoga of Devotion (to the Divine - Love) called Bhakti Yoga! Also, I attended a Oneness Conference on the same subject with 600 people in Tampa Fl. thanks, Bent, I think you practice Bhakti Yoga or better live LOVE! ron

"The LOVE inside you is pure magic. All beings know it and recognize it, it can heal any illness and is the only thing powerful enough to heal a world. ONE of the extraordinary qualities of LOVE is that you get more of it the more you give out. It means the same as god and LIFE, and it is the fabric of universe and of you. It is always FREE and when you trust it you heal your LIFE. You are LOVE"~Bent Kim Lundberg

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