Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Ego Made Me Do It;

Just as religion made up the devil to keep people under control, now some people have to make the ego a satan. The ego is not the problem, a healthy ego is just as important as a healthy body. Being egotistic or an egoist or even a weak ego... is having the ego out of balance & is hurtful. If you are going to "kill" the ego, you might as well drop the body or have alot of support - you will need someone to drive for you, cook for you, bath you, and feed you. Freud's definition of ego which he devised in the 30's was to be the CONSCIOUS mediator between the id (survival instincts) & superego (our Self). Gary Zukav has a great definition of ego - our earth guide. And he says "Love" is the only Reality!
Bronagh Fitzgerald: you cant kill the ego if you have a pulse you have a ego its a psychological necessity though if you didnt have one youd put up with all kinds of shit lol brona
Benjamin Smythe: Ego is the felt sense that the one who is writing this is different from the one who is reading it.about an hour ago
Ron Alexander: And thank goodness for the senses that help keep us in the moment. And yes in this dimension, we are in seperate bodies and seperate egos. The self in the Self - and according to Ramana Maharish: "God, Guru and Self are the same."

James Oneill: ‎" The felt Sense "
Ron Alexander: Yes, the "felt sense" - sensory awareness as well as ego awareness is essential to awakening to non-duality. Buddha's meditation to enlightenment is based largely on the "felt senses" , and being aware of their passing through - the impermanence as Christians call "this too shall pass." Transcendence of the ego and the senses is not so much of leaving the body as to deeply going into "our temple of the Spirit" to experience our true Self.
Ron Alexander: Thanks James for this deep dialogue. It is wonderful that we can do this in a civil intelligent manner. I believe in getting past our ego, as St. Francis said "it is in dying to our self, that we are born to eternal life."
However, one had b...etter be ready to leave the body to completely get past our "ego". Yesterday, I saw a video called "The Ego is Evil". I saw these series of grim faced psychologiststheologians blasting the
ego. It reminded me of a series of preachers denouncing "satan". That is a basis of duality in my opinion. If we blame the devil or the ego, we are not taking responsibility for our actions. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I have to agree with you here. My personal experience is that the ego is not the problem. Things like attachment and fear only arise because we have our priorities set wrong. If you choose to make: being happy and carefree your ultimate priority then a lot of what is blamed on the ego simply disappears. But the ego is still there. It's just that you take responsability for how you feel. And you feel with your ego.
