Thursday, January 6, 2011

Stressful Thoughts produce disease

Ron Alexander: Thoughts go into our bodies creating toxins - called samskara in Sanskrit. The good news, if one faces these toxins - just observing them and they will pass on. (Bent has similar comment above:♥ I look at it and observe that this is not who I am, so it doesn't matter where it came from, and I let it go). Buddha's own m...editation was to observe using the breath and the senses, and the samskara toxins move on. The Buddhists use "temporaryness" - "this too shall pass."
Ron Alexander: This is my answer to Angela Martin Diggs' excellent question below.
"All that we are is the result of what we have thought."
Ron Alexander: In Christianity the matching verse is "As thy thinketh in thou heart, thou art."
Ron Alexander: The key is not to attach to the thoughts or feelings - observe and let them go.

Ida Rose: When you know and are aware, your faith is strong and the thoughts pass on!!
Ron Alexander: Thanks for your wisdom, dear Ida. How is the weather in Nassau? Cold fronts reaching there? in the Spirit of Oneness, ron
Ida Rose: Happy Holiday and a New year with a happy new day.Brother we had some really cold weather here, and I don't like the cold. it's not cold today, there is a clear sky and sunny. In the Light as usual.
Bent: ‎"Tend to your thoughts like a shepherd watching sheep. Your every thought is creative, so when a thought strays from the flock and does not create what you want to become real, gently guide it back to the flock by changing your mind. your self talk, and if it doesn't create what you wish, change it into a creative thought bringing the result you wish for. You have all the power inside"~Bent Kim Lundberg..
Ron Alexander: Usually the best most creative ideas I have is right in the middle of no-mind (usually near end of meditation - i keep notepad by me).
Bent Kim Lundberg: @Ron. Thank you LOVE ♥ Thank you for sharing that ♥ I do believe that stilling your mind opens up ♥ I recommend observing your thoughts all the time (tending to your flock of sheep), and so have a constant process ♥ That is my way of praying, simply observing and choosing the thoughts that create what I want to make real in every moment ♥ I LOVE you ♥♥♥

ron: Stressful thoughts produce "dis-ease."
Ron Alexander: Still waking up with Monkey Mind - racing thoughts - however, with new Love, they are happy monkeys anyway

Jeanne: There are two sides to everything, and we must see both. When happiness arises, don’t get lost; when suffering arises, don’t get lost. Buddhist, Ajahn ChahJeanne Porter Ashley: This too shall pass.
Ron Alexander: In other words, don't get attached to either, both happiness and suffering will pass ultimately. The problem is in holding on - not letting go. Observe and let go...
Jeanne Porter Ashley: Yes, thanks Ron and Lisa and is about being overly attached to the good side or to the negative side

Brian Tate: What I really like about the the quote is to THINK love. I think it's far easier for our hearts to love, but so easy for our minds to think otherwise. So, teaching the mind to think loving thoughts, and those only, is an ultimate key to peace, freedom, joy.

Ida Rose Brother Brian Tate: Love is the glue of the universe!!! Can you imagine if love was absent? Even in minute portions, Love "Is". We don't have to teach the mind to love or think loving thoughts ,love comes through on its own. sometimes we are unware, and love is doing its job... it is so brother Ron Alexander Thanks so much Brian & Ida. "We are created to love and be loved."

Brian Tate

Greetings Ida! Indeed, love is ever-present, everywhere...But, although it is there, how often humans act as if it were not! All the wars, greed etc. outside, and all this a reflection of a lack of love inside, from every slight self-depr...eciating thought, to anger, guilt, and the list goes on. The "problem" is perhaps that we Can imagine love not being present--since humans do it all the time!
I say this because I believe we must face this reality, must look it in the eye, or else we are denying our hurts. We must open to our lack of love, and so know to open our hearts and fill it with love. Our thinking needs much retraining: yet guided by a sincere and loving heart, it will come back in alignment with this as you adequately say is the 'Glue of the Universe'.

Ida Rose Brian, this is the world of man!!!.We learn lessons here to help us reach the path we forgot. The heart is the door to memory and when mankind truly finds that door, the individal realizes,and awakens .As the light begins to shine,negetive conditions changes, you must think , this world of man is a changing place. All the above mention negative behaviour is man's doing,but memory is returning!! Reason, you and I can Agree,That Love is the glue of the universe

Ron Alexander Wow! we need to get Brian & Ida on TV dialoguing about this awesome Reality, that many are now waking up to ...thank God, One Love, ron

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