Saturday, January 22, 2011

Do Not Read This if you Believe that Ego is Satanic or Demonic

Or if you believe you cannot "do all things through Christ (and greater) who strengthens you." Or you are not "as one, as my Father and I are...". In other words, if you do not believe that you have the Presence within...stop reading now. There is only One Power, and that Power is God - the same Spirit- "Hereby know that we dwell in him, and he is us, because he hath given us of his Spirit." 1John 4:13. Sin is forgetting who we are. A dualistic system of belief was set up to give the church power. That there is two powers - God and Satan. That thought system was exposed by Jesus, however as many don't understand that the physical contains Spirit (temple), and the idea of a "devil" was weakened, the psychoanaltic "ego" became the favorite scapegoat.
Here is Webster's Dictionary definition of ego: 1. the self as distinguished from others 2. the one of the three divisions of the psyche in psychoanalytic theory that is the organized conscious mediator between the person and reality.
If we can't blame the devil or the ego, who can we blame for our problems. Could it be the ego out of balance which define the egotist or egoist, pride, or just the human part of us. Jung called it our "shadow" - every light casts a shadow. And Jung tells us to embrace that part of ourselves. One thing for sure, the ego has become the new age satan. Do we have to have a new "devil"? which is for sure dualistic! Gary Zukav has a great meaning of the ego - our "earth guide."
How about this not blaming anything but our own erroneous thinking? We do have a free will and can take responsibility, not blaming, just changing any thinking based on fear or hate. By changing a dualistic belief system to knowing we are One with Love, changing our thinking becomes much easier. Even to go as far as Jesus advised to "love our enemies." Be the Love!

"Hereby know that we dwell in him, and he is us, because he hath given us of his Spirit." 1John 4:13.
Alexis Emilia: I believe this with all my being.
Noy Traba-g May the Blessings BE ~~~
‎"Know thyself and thy shall know God."
‎"God, Guru, and Self are One." Ramana Maharshi

Every moment of every day the love of God is there within you guiding you to Oneness, peace and fulfillment. Simply allow it. ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Inspired from Bobby Hinkle: Godly unity! What I have sought the most has eluded me because I had longed so much for the destination when I could have been enjoying the journey. ~ Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Craig Moriarity: What part of Oneness are we not understanding? There is no other to turn it over to. There is no other place to go to. We are the One that makes it right or does not. There is no other place, its all the same place. There is only One!
Craig, I see it as like sailing, basically however when a storm comes up, it can be infinitely complicated.

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