Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Love does not make you a doormat

‎"You do not become a doormat by choosing LOVE. Think of Jesus, Muhammad, Mahatma Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu. None of these were/are doormats, and they have tremendous influence on all of humanity. It's all up to you. All the power of the universe lies inside you in the kingdom of god, and no change outside of you has power even remotely close to the power of LOVE"~Bent Kim Lundberg

Andy Skadberg: I think of these great souls often, I see them as our teachers and guides and they have shown that the way is clear and relatively simple. The challenge is backing out of the intellectual conundrum that we have created in the labyrinth of thinking not directed by our hearts.
Bent Kim Lundberg: I have observed that some believe that choosing to be the LOVE from inside is equivalent to letting things be. That I believe is an incorrect observation. LOVE is the strongest power in universe and the only power that can heal a world. ♥Choosing to be the LOVE that is you and express it takes great personal courage, when living in a world where most people believe we are separate from each other, and choose to fight themselves, as there is noONE else to fight because we are ONE being. ♥
For those that believe that you can gain anything by fighting yourself I have this to say. Humanity has waged wars upon ourselves and sent our kids out to kill our kids for thousands of years, and we have never created the result we wanted, lasting PEACE ♥
That is because you cannot remove the milk from the glass by pouring more milk into it ♥ Like you cannot end aggression with aggression. It simply does not work and it has never worked. It is not possible to solve a problem with the same energy that created it ♥

LOVE is an agent of change and the strongest agent of change you will ever encounter. It is what god is and the fabric of universe and of you, and when you let yourself be LOVE and express it fully, you are aligning yourself with your true self which brings you into the flow and makes all your challenges become possibilities for positive change ♥

We are ONE being of LOVE and when you remember this and live it, you are changing our world in profound ways. In ONENESS you cannot lie, steal, hurt, cheat or kill anyONE as whatever you do you are doing to yourself, so recognizing our ONENESS and living it is the solution to all of humanity's problems ♥

When you go to your heart for your decisions you will no longer be blinded by all the things outside of you, as they loose their influence on your way of choosing. You will search for your own truth in all matters, and leave deception and lies behind you as obsolete choices of mankind. You will stop believing in old foolish believes like trying to solve a problem with a hammer, like we do NOW by waging wars etc. ♥

When you choose to be the LOVE that is you, you become powerful beyond measure. You will recognize that nothing can hurt you and you will not bend from stating your truth in fear of repercussions or judgment. You become untouchable from the opinions of others, as you will know your truth fully, and you will have the courage to stand behind it ♥

When you ask your heart for advice, you will soon remember that you attract/create anything by what you think and the power of the feelings you add to that. So you will start using your mind and your heart consciously to create the world as you want to see it, instead of occupying your mind with things that you do not want to become real ♥

Even the gangs here that has tried to bother me, because they do not like that I call it chicken behavior to come 12 men to a fight with ONE, or carrying arms, is totally lost when they recognize that I do not fear them, and that they cannot pressure me in any way at all. They simply cannot handle that I do not judge them or fear them, and when I raise my energy they are not able to do anything to hurt me ♥

As ONE you will never let anyONE abuse another version of you, so there is no letting it be in ONENESS and LOVE. By choosing to be the LOVE from inside, you will change your world every moment by making choices of LOVE and caring. That is exactly what humanity need to finally set us FREE to live LIFE as a journey in happiness and JOY, as we are meant to ♥

I LOVE you and I see that you are LOVE and that you are ONE with all. I believe that being LOVE will solve all our problems, and urge you to choose it fully. This is my truth which is never a better truth. Your truth is found in your heart, and when choosing to listen to your heart instead of your mind, you will not only set yourself FREE, but set humanity FREE. ♥

Thank you for being such amazing versions of me. I LOVE you and I remember fully who you are. Fear not, for there is nothing in existence that can hurt you as you are an eternal being of LOVE, and you have been here forever in this precious moment of NOW, and will always be here ♥ The rest is just illusion ♥

I LOVE you ♥
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Bent: ‎@Andy. Thank you LOVE ♥ We see this the same way ♥ These great teachers has shown us that the choice of stopping believing in the noise outside of us, and trusting your heart instead, will set us FREE of all the 'faulty' ways we do things ...NOW, because others has told us that it is how to do things, even though we have never gained the results we wanted by this behavior ♥ I just wrote about it in my comment above this ♥ It is also my truth that when asking your heart for your truth will set you FREE of limiting beliefs. It has never worked to try to create PEACE by waging war, but being PEACE and LOVE will bring PEACE to all ♥ I LOVE you ♥♥♥

♥Andy Skadberg: Yes, Bent, what a powerful sharing of yours, and you will find this is absolutely validated by a message that came to me with absolute clarity in a blog of mine - this message came so readily and easily that I suspect it came through inspiration from Source. http://13lightmessages.blogspot.com/2010/10/love-transcends_31.htm
Ron Alexander: One of my fav. quotes from Bible: "God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind."
Thanks so much Bent, I will share! in the Spirit of Love, ron

Lori Easterly:
Detachment is not cold or lacking compassion. A refusal to suffer by borrowing the pain of another is neither compassionate nor Loving. There is no need to re-suffer what has been healed in me. God I offer mySelf to Thee.

Tom Nadeau: Very nice Lori!!! And how true.

Lori Easterly: The sharing of the victory over my own difficulties can and will bare witness to those I would

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