Thursday, December 23, 2010

Feb. 11th - Feb. 13th with Michael & Doug (Oneness)

Hey Michael (@ Suzanne), our Oneness Blessing Groups are really blossoming more each week. Tonight, several of us committed to come there for Feb. 11 & 12th workshop! Can you send me info. about it. I would like to give you credit card # to reserve spot there. My friends Pam & Lisa just returned are are just glowing! Happy Holy Days and may 1011 be like Heaven (on Earth), ron

Michael Milner:

Hi Ron, You ROCK! Great news! I just Skyped with Doug Bentley. Florida will host a regional Oneness conference with the "new process" & Doug in attendance, Feb 11-13, the weekend of the big energy shift! We want to involve as many trainers as possible. Please, mark your calendar and let your local communities know. It will be a great opportunity for all the Trainers, Deeksha Givers & the Oneness community in our Southeast US region to join & work together. It is completely in our hands to make this happen.

Doug Bentley

We are planning to start Friday night Feb 11 and end by about 5PM Sunday afternoon. We do not yet know the location of the venue, probably in the Tampa area, nor do we know the specific details of the event (such as: Cost? Will it include a Oneness Awakening to initiate new Deeksha Givers? Will non Deesha Givers be able to participate in the "New Process"?). We will share details as they become available. It will definitely include the "New Process" Sri Bhagavan is introducing to us in January at the Trainers conferences in LA & Toronto which will be fully empowered... on Feb11!
Merry Christmas! Love & Hugs!

"When we begin to accept ourselves exactly as we are,
experiencing the full content of each moment without conflict or resistance,and join together around the world with others whose hearts are flowering, the Light of Infinite Love will flood the Earth!"
Thanks Michael Milner .. expect to be with you & Suzanne on Feb. 11th - 13th - hope you have the Oneness Blessing Training and Initiation also!
Loving our Oneness, ron
Lisa Jones: Thanks for sharing ron. Thanks to Michael and Suzanne for this past weekend. What a lovely experience. See you in February.

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