Sunday, November 21, 2010

Full Moon Light Shine Surfing

Moon Light Surfers
When the moon is overhead,
the waves of the ocean
reflect the light racing
along the curve until it breaks,
like a surfer going through a
barrel the light quickly dispersing
on the break catching glimpses of
the broken rays just as fragment
glances of a swamped surfer
appear through the water.

Noy Traba-g: ‎3Ps!!!!!!!!!!! Pure, pristine poetry! Gotta love that! Well, let me think ... hmmmm ... I am not just a wave, I am an ocean too. Am sending kabooooodles of LOVE & PEACE - letting it bounce and collecting it back as it give birth to mor...e (in multitudes ... 'mutating' by hundred-folds) - it then ripples back and forth through my waves of JOY!!! Woooohaaaaa! Watta feeling! LoveYOU, Ron! You're an ever-encourager and always a source of inspiration. Yay! We are da bomb! Love exploding all over - everywhere! Blowing endless angel dust of JOY onto everyone's path!!! Embrace and welcome it!!! Poooooooof!!!Jeanne Porter Ashley: This is a lovely photo, Ron, nowhere near as lovely as seeing it first hand with on the beach under the moon -- primitive, pristine, healing! Many thanks to you, my dear friend, for BEING LOVE, BEING YOU!♥
Karen Reider: looks like a whale tail!!! Beautiful Ron. Your words as well.

Full moon over Isle of Light - this is one from a few months ago, as the ones over the marsh from the bridge did not come out. Moon aligned with Pleides so good time to seek guidance ("God - Dance").
Ron Alexander: It was awesome being on Isle with sun setting on West end and at same time full moon rising on East end. Again did not want to leave..

"Be glad of life because it gives you a chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at stars. Henry van Dyke (1852 - 1933)"

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