Sunday, November 7, 2010

Be Love Now

As whatever vibration you send
out becomes expanded by LIFE and returns to you, the choice of being
the LOVE that is you, will engulf you in LOVE, so there will be no
space for 'bad' experiences. The shortest path to being LOVE is by
LOVING yourself fully, so remember that there is absolutely nothing universe exactly like you, and rejoice in the miraculous wonder of
~Bent Kim Lundberg

Ron Alexander: Loving anyone is probably impossible unless we love ourselves first!
Jen Briggs: actual factual impossible to give, that which is not founded within our own Hand Self Life being true

"We are ONE being of LOVE. As long
as we continue hurting other versions of ourselves, we cannot leave
the old imagination of separateness, for it is absurd to hit yourself
because your heart wants to stay and your foot want to go. When you
see yourself as ONE with all, you will LOVE all as much as you LOVE
......yourself. And you will seek new solutions that solve all our
'problems' with LOVE"~
Bent Kim Lundberg
(another brilliant Bent post from Denmark, yet I would say we have to start with loving ourselves first, then we can realize Oneness Love.)

Ron Alexander: From my experience, I have found so many who don't love themselves unconditionally. Looking at mathematical stats. I would guestimate over 90% (like a very sad epidemic) don't love themselves as the wondrous magnificent beings we are!
"There... is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear...(for) God is love. --1 john 4:18, 16 Thanks Love!

Derek Stone:
"We all came from Love therefore we all are Love and there is nothing else that is real. Anything negative we have attracted we have manifested self and their is no longer any need for negative manifestations. Always try and fee...l Love in your Heart and focus on this in your mind and that is what will manifest. Love all of your Atoms and other particles and they will Love you back it is Divine Law."
Derek wrote:
"Ron I see the same thing and I believe it is related to peoples lack of
awareness regarding who we really are, why we are here and also the constant
bombardment of negativity presented by the media and governments, etc. I thank
our Creator and myself that I have finally seen the light after many decades of
darkness and that I have now have an opportunity to help others reach a higher
level of Divine Consciousness."

This is how I would die into the love I have for you. As pieces of cloud dissolve into the sunlight. ♥ ♥ ~Rumi~
Ron: Rumi was drunk with his love for God.
Jeanne Porter Ashley: ‎"The wine is one; only the vessel's changed" -- Rumi also wrote of his love, loss and lonliness for his earthly companions.....One of my favorite's is: "We love: that's why life is full of so many wonderful gifts".

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