Sunday, October 31, 2010

Wonder Beyond Words

To be alive in this beautiful, self-organizing universe
-- to participate in the dance of life with senses to
perceive it, lungs that breathe it, organs that draw
nourishment from it -- is a wonder beyond words.

Joanna Macy

Noy wrote:
"So true ... all beyond words. My take on gratefulness:
Deeply thankful for the following:
- for the dedicated people who give their best to make this world a beautiful place to live
- for the opportunity to be alive and experience the wonders of living
- for enough time to reflect on life
- for the sight of blossoms bursting on a tree
- for the love and support from family and friends
- to be alive and have the opportunity to learn through the ups and downs of life
- wisdom, truth and righteousness
- for like-minded people to share this wonderful mortal experience with
- for people who come into my life ... teaching and sharing their knowledge, etc.
- for the technology - bringing groups of people through wholesome communities
- to live and not just exist
- in continually counting all my little blessings ... THANK YOU!!!
Sprinkling the angel's dust all over ... noy-JOY."

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