Thursday, October 21, 2010

Unconditional Love for the Self

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You are love itself and so it everyone else.

Until we feel love in our own heart center, love is just another head trip.

If you can't feel love for yourself while flying solo, you will never feel love for someone else while flying tandem.

You can search throughout the entire Universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.
Thoughts on Love by Violette Ruffley on Crone to the Bone (Healing - Mind, Body & Spirit Group)
However, we would also include the unconditional love of the self, which is often misconstrued as ego. Going through a physical incarnation requires a boldness that is unmatched in other perspectives. Thoughts as one proceeds often do not include unconditional love . But perhaps the opposite.... judgement. If you find yourself in judgement of the self it would be a correct move to also consider the love of self.
It is a huge ingredient in the evolution of the soul. For without it one may wander aimlessly throughout many lifetimes.
Appreciate the tenacity needed to maneuver through a lifetime. Incorrect choices and downright mistakes thrive within a physical moment. It is the ability to love yourself regardless that is the key to advancement.
So perhaps the elimination of the strict regimen one has prescribed for the self might be in order.
Look at yourself as a wondrous creation. Realize that choices and paths are just that and do not define you as a soul. Errors in judgement should leave room for the idea that you are deserving of self love no matter what the circumstances.
By practicing self love you give yourself permission to be less than perfect on your quest to enlightenment. It is definitely something to consider."

Science of Mind magazine: Love is the way I live. Love guides my life. I am the love of the most high God. I am love, loving its life as me.From the Personal Affirmations written by Eugene Holden, RScP, of UCSL's World Ministry of Prayer,
There you go! Love is not taught ... it comes from within ... as natural as breathing (in and out) - loves surge and bounce and reverberate and ripples ... and comes back > in tens of hundreds of fold --- ready to do its 'onslaught' again ... sweetly 'infecting' the rest of us ... and keeps going on and on and on (cycled and recycled). Wowsa! Catch as much! It's all over - here, there, everywhere. We're not running out - it's in abundance. LOVE-LOVE-LOVE ... enjoy!

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