Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Prayer of St. Francis (The Great I AM version)

The Prayer Of St. Francis (The great I AM version)
Lord, I AM and instrument of Thy Peace,
where there is hatred, I AM Love;
where there is injury, I AM Healing;
where there is doubt, I AM Faithful.
Where there is darkness, I AM Light.
Divine One , Oneness in Love means
I AM Compassionate, I AM Understanding.
I AM Generosity. I am replenished through
and since We are ALL ONE. We can be Absolutely
Certain, that in leaving uncertainty, feeling
revised by Daniel Whittles & Ron Alexander

Putting down all barriers, let your mind be full of love. Let it pervade all the quarters of the world so that the whole wide world, above, below, and around, is pervaded with love. Let it be sublime and beyond measure so that it abounds everywhere. --- Digha Nikaya
The universe is a spiritual system of complete consciousness, entire wholeness, the sum total of which is present everywhere....There is not God and something else. There is only God, and God is in everything....Science of Mind - Ron - Great, and I like to replace "God" with Love. ..."There is not Love and something else. There is only Love, and Love is in everything."in the Spirit of Oneness Love, ron-
Bent Lundberg: Thank you gods and goddesses of LIGHT
God is LOVE and all that is, so LOVE is the very fabric of universe and of you. I so wish I was capable of expressing in words what I see when I look at you. Words are however not sufficient to express fully the extreme wonder of your divine being...

Paulette Ball: This is truly a great example of words bringing empowerment, Bent! I dearly Love this title of that which we ARE...gods and goddesses of LIGHT. Just taking a moment to comtemplate those words...allowing them to permeate...and coming to that knowing. Thank you. You are so Loved. ♥♥♥
Ron Alexander: Joining You Bent in the absolute Certainty of Our Divine Beingness, in the Oneness of Love, ron
Love can heal.
Love can renew.
Love can make us safe.
Love can inspire us with its ...power.

By: Pleiadian Stars..
The Magic Of Kindness
Kindness is almost always bigger when it is received than when it is given. What may be a small thing for you to offer can make a tremendous difference to those who receive it. Kindness vastly increases the effectiveness of your efforts. Even a small kindness can bring a big result
By: Andrea Atkins

Jean Mitchell: So true my dear friend ♥ lu Sha ♥ thankyou so much, I feel the kindness and the blessings of these beautiful words
Ron Alexander: ‎"My religion is simple, my religion is kindness." H.H. Dalai Lama

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