Thursday, October 7, 2010

Love is My Shepherd

Love is my shepherd, I shall not want. Love allows me to lie down in green pastures. Love leads me besides the still waters. Love restores my Soul. Though I may walk through the valley of the illusionary world, Love will be my fortress. Love prepares a table before me. The Beloved Presence anoints my head with oil..., and fills my heart to overflowing. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow all the days of my life and we will dwell in the house of Love forever. AH OM, AH OM, AH OM.
adapted from LOVE WITHOUT END by Glenda Greene (& the Bible of course)

Patricia Gianniou: Beautiful ... My favorite Psalm 23 ... Has helped me through the lowest times of my life ... Thank you, Loving Captain ...
Kelly Faith Payne: I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this prayer

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