Saturday, October 16, 2010

Fundamentalism Takes the Fun out of the Mental

Fundamentalism Takes the Fun out of the Mental

You may say I am a dreamer, but I am not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us and the world will live as one. John Lennon (1971)

How does fundamentalism take the fun out of the mental? It takes away the wonder, the mystery, the questions, and any dialogue that could occur with someone of another belief. The fundamentalist teacher would have you believe that everything that is in their sacred text is absolutely true - every word even. And most of these teachers would say that about every word they utter. They allow no questioning. Most of us in this culture think that fundamentalist would be the Moslem terrorist reciting their justification from the Koran. However, there are many Christians who think the same thing about the Bible. I have encountered fundamentalists from New Age sacred texts like the ACIM also. And there are Hindu and Buddhist "funless mentalists" also. And probably from every theology even from some who would not call themselves religionists.
Have fun - enjoy life - keep the wonder: "Become as a child again, to enter the gates of Heaven"! Troubled youth that I have worked with have lost their sense of wonder and become cynical & disillusioned and possibly get in trouble.
One of my favorite names for God is a Native American One called "the Great Mystery". After all, who can know the Unknowable? Why separate yourself with your beliefs, when you can experience the joy of Oneness with an open mind and an open heart? Why limit yourself with your beliefs, when you can become aware & experience the Unlimited.

Monday, Oct. 18
I have reached a point in my life
where I understand the pain and
the challenges; and my attitude
is one of standing up with open
arms to meet them all.

Myrlie Evers

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