Sunday, September 19, 2010

“Oneness” Awakening Course Returns to Unity!

"Knowing us as ONE with all makes it absurd to steal, lie, fight, or in any way bother anyONE, as it is yourself you steal from, wage war against, etc. It becomes absurd, and that will make us stop doing, or accepting these things.... Recognizing our ONENESS will change the world as we know it."~Bent Kim Lundberg

Margaret Hiller, Spiritual Leader
Unity Christ Church
Surfside Beach, SC

“Oneness” Awakening Course
Returns to Unity!
Rev. Dr. Michael Milner & Rev. Suzanne Champlin
3 Blessing Giver Workshops & Sunday Celebratory Talk

I attended the Kanuga Retreat in Hendersonville and had the pleasure of meeting Margaret & Dave. It was a joy spending time with them in the workshop they presented.
Unity of Pendleton has two members that will be in attendance at the One...ness Awakening Course Sept 24-27. Marge Quiney and Koreen Sweet are eagerly looking forward to the experience.
Love & Blessings to all of you!
Ruth Looper
Thanks, Rev. Ruth, and I always enjoy your inspirational sermons and the warm fellowship of your sweet congregation, and Marge & Koreen will have the pleasure of joining with Marlene, who has already gone through training down here. So I look forward to being part of an awesome Oneness Blessing Group when I visit there! Loving Oneness, ron

FRIDAY, SEPT. 24: 7-9PM “Intro to Oneness Blessing” Love Offering


SAT., SEPT. 25: 10AM-4:30PM “Deepening Into Oneness” Workshop
Cost: $88

SUNDAY, SEPT. 26: 11 AM Celebratory Service
Rev. Dr. Michael Milner, speaker: “What’s Up On Planet Earth: Global Awakening”

SUNDAY, SEPT. 26: 1:30-4:30PM “Deepening Your Connection with the Divine”
Suggested Donation: $25

MONDAY, SEPT 27: 10AM-4PM “Dark Room, Sacred Space & Mukti Deeksha”
For initiated Deeksha Givers only ~ Love Offering

Attend any of the Fri. - Sat. events to learn about the Oneness blessing, or
If you attend all 3 workshops (Fri., Sat., & Sun.) you can be
Initiated as a Oneness Blessing Giver on Sunday.

For more information go to

Bunni Vaughan Healy: Fantastic workshops coming up this coming weekend at Unity Myrtle Beach. There will be workshops on Fri., Sat. & Sunday after which anyone who wants to can become a Oneness Blessing (Deeksha) Giver. (All three days required for that.Bunni Vaughan Healy: Monday there will be another workshop for those who have become Deeksha Givers (at this weeken or in the past). Quite a few of us who already did all the workshops are doing them all again. It was THAT good. Life changing I think. Perhaps my life has changed by coincidence since my first oneness blessing. Could be. Could be not. The info is all at I'll be posting this on the Unity page tomorrow. I'm putting it here for anyone who isn't a friend of the Unity page and is interested. Rev. Dr. Michael Milner and Rev. Suzanne Champlin (his wife) will be doing the workshops and they are great. (

Unity Christ Church: Special Events
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