Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Love Everybody, Divine Mirrors, & Beyond to Oneness

Derek Stone: Everyone is Beautiful, Everyone is Loveable, Everyone has Self-worth, Everyone came from Love and Everyone is Love. It doesn't matter what Colour you are, what Religion you believe, whether you are fat, thin, tall, short or even striped, etc. Nobody is better than anybody else as we are all One; we are all Love. Love Everybody

We are created to love and be loved. Mother Teresa
Unity Walker: We are created AS love

You are the only ONE who knows exactly who you are.
Never let others make you less than the immense beauty of magnificent you.
Remember that you are totally unique in this vast universe, and that you are, and has always been a whole being.
(Bent Lundberg)

Sunie SeventhHeart ‎" There is a Power in this Universe accessed by being the state of love within. It heals all things. It balances all confusion. It awakens the light within all things... and it is within you. It waits for you to love you so much so that by doing so you awaken yourself to notice you are loving all. Love away, my friends, love away."

Michael Milner: The outer world is a reflection of the inner world, faithfully mirroring your inner state. All outer spiritual forms, experiences, gurus, masters & teachers, no matter how powerful & compelling, merely reflect as a mirror your own true Divine Nature.

Gregg Winston: Where is the boundary between the "inner world," and the "outer world?" Are there two worlds?

Michael Milner: No boundary exists.There is actually no "inner" or "outer". It's really all ONE. What is felt & experienced in consciousness is reflected in so-called "outer" manifestations. Words & concepts always fall short... they just point the way. Never msitake the finger for the moon. Hahaha

Unity Walker ~♥~ Words ABOUT God are poor substitutes for the actual EXPERIENCE of God as my Within and my Without, my Everywhere At Once. As I let go of words I can experience free floating in LOVE. ~~ In stillness and in silence, I can experience God as True Self, one of the Many As ONE. LOVE Itself is now known to me as the matrix of All I AM. ~♥~ OM ~♥~
Jeanne(of Crone to the Bone) commented on Ron Alexander's blog post 'love Everybody, Divine Mirrors & Beyond to Oneness': Great quotes! Seems we could spend our entire lives trying to define love... and still the next generation finds new descriptions and writes new poetry.


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