Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Energy Orbs

Noy: Congregation in bliss. It would be nice to participate in such wHoley gathering. Peace and Light ... with light. Bless ~ Multi-colored orbs at Whale Communicator (Staci) garden
Ron Alexander: Devas are angels of the plant kingdom, I think, and I heard that they are actually transportation units for Angelic/Spirit energy from another dimension- sort of like Spirit UFO's.
Whale Communicators: great info everyone - here are some definitions Mary Getten gave me for Devas
Deva - a radiant intelligent being that holds the blueprint or pattern for a species of plant or animal and directs its growth. Each group has it's own deva.
and then she showed me this.

Deva - radiant beings with great intelligence who help to guide nature by their understanding of the Divine Plan. They direct the energies of nature and oversee the lesser fairies under their care, such as tree spirits and those might be in charge of the wind or clouds. - from The Real World of Fairies by Dora Van Gelder

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