Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Empty Vessel with a Full Heart

Does God's Grace empty our vessels and fill our hearts at the same time? Is this a paradox? Thanks for all the Love guys. I really felt It! I think- know - our Hearts are Flowering!

The house of my heart is empty, devoid of desire, like paradise. Within it is no work but the love of God, no inhabitant but the image of union with Him. I have swept the house clear of good and bad - my house is full of love for the One. ~ Rumi

‎"What is love?"
"The total absence of fear," said the Master.
"What is it we fear?"
"Love," said the Master...

"We all live in a cause and effect universe meaning what we give out or have given out before comes back to us as like attracts like. Each re-incarnation gives us an opportunity through the use of our free will to grow stronger in Love for God, Self and Others or to grow weaker depending on what we choose. When you realise this then their is only one choice give out Love." Love Everybody
May your heart be an altar,
from which the bright flame
of unending thanksgiving
ascends to heaven.

St. Mary Euphrasia Pelletier
Embrace the World

I am that, I am Divine Light Perfection, I am that now!
I am that. I am Divine Light Perfection. I am that now!
I am that. I am Divine Light Perfection. I am that now!
I am that. I am Divine Light Perfection. I am that now!
I am that. I am Divine Light Perfection. I am that now!
I am that. I am Divine Light Perfection. I am that now!
I am that, I am Divine Light Perfection. I am that now! (7x)

Maria, taught me that Decree above. Glad she was there tonight to help us realize that a Full Heart is required for this type of work, and that we all have It!
She is teaching me about Angels & effective Praying, and I am teaching her about Oneness Blessing, and she knows Healing Heart Love when she gets It!

When you come to the conclusion that there is no one who exists,
who is not part of you, You will wisely extend to yourself an
unconditional love that will be The light of your day, the light of your night.
The light that lightens up this world of ours.

Peter Makena from his Album "In Love". (

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