Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Heaven is on Earth, and We are Joined in Divine Love

Ron Alexander: Blissful evening. It is so gorgeous out tonight that I am outside writing this on my deck. The moderate breeze is silky briney cooling, sweet smell of cedar trees and roses waft the air and the sound of the waves gently splashing on the talcum powder sand of beach is music to the ears with tree frogs and crickets addin...g to the symphony. And after an awesome Oneness Blessing Group 2 hours ago we walked to the beach gently lit by the near full moon. And Yennie was there with Jackie and Heaven is on Earth! We are All Joined in Divine Love,

Kelly Faith Payne, Alberta Mallory Simon, Derek Stone and 4 others like this.

Noy Traba-g: Wooohaaaaah! Nothing can beat that > 'breezy feeling' mixed with the 'swooshing' of the giant waves' ... as carried thru to the babyish sand ... with the 'ribbittting' added to that 'symmetry'. Wow, that is just ... divine. Heavenly gooo...ooood! Great, Ronskers! Heyaw, I like wooden stuff (cedar tops!) and I can't help but join your nightingale's reverie > Seals and Crofts serenading with one of their best >
'CEDAR' Breeze (Summer Breeze, lol)
.... ♫ ... See the curtains hanging in the window, in the evening on a Friday night, a little light a-shining through the window, lets me know every thing's all right
'CEDAR' breeze, makes me feel fine, blowing through the jasmine in my mind, summer breeze, makes me feel fine ... blowing through the jasmine in my mind ...♫. :~D .... Ahoy-noy-Joy-buoyed! Wooof, wooof ... woooof!

Ron Alexander: Was going to bed, but gentle pillow like clouds started slowly rolling in under moon creating a luminous quilt like ever changing canopy of delightful ethereal shapes - a supernatural tripping trance.Kelly Faith Payne and Patricia Gianniou like this.

Derek Stone: Thanks for sharing Ron and I am so happy you have realised the Heaven within and also your own Godhood. We are all One, we are all equal and we are all Gods re-learning how to act like a God and treat each other like Gods. YE ARE GODS

Ron Alexander: Thanks Noy, Derek & all You "Likers"- Kelly, Alberta, Robyn, Patricia & Linda! Since God is Love and is The ONE, we are All ONE LOVE!

BEAUTIFUL HUMAN AWARD ♥ ~ Once you've been blessed, you can bless 8 humans (or more) who you think deserve an award. I know YOU ARE TRULY BEAUTIFUL. If you break the chain, nothing will happen. But it's always nice to know that someone thinks you're ...WONDERFULLY ......Wise, ...inside and out a truly Radiant Being!

Bobbi Newman: My heart is filled to overflowing and God's Grace and Light pours into me from divine mirrors like you.

"LOVE is not something you do, but
something you are. When LOVE is treated in your mind, you try to
figure out how to implement it to yield the best results. When LOVE
is felt in your heart it flows FREELY from you and raises the
vibrations of all it touches, and your LOVE will find those craving
...compassion, comfort, hope, LIGHT and LOVE. LOVE yourself, and your
LOVE will heal the world."~
Bent Kim Lundberg

We can all contribute now to changing the Universal Consciousness and thus make our Universe a better place to be for all and everything. Universal Consciousness responds to Love by giving Love back it also responds likewise to Negativity by giving Negativity back as Like attracts Like. Start now Feel Love, Think Love, Act Love, Be Love; because we all come from Love and are Love. Love Everybody (Derek)

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