Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Dude Knows How to Love and Be Loved & How to Be Here Now

This is from an interview with Jeff Bridges by Katy Butler in "Tricycle" Magazine:
"...Everybody I come in contact with is my teacher. Other actors are certainly my teachers. One of the cool things about acting is to realize how accessible love is. You can invest a person, another actor, as your love. I'm familiar with that feeling-I have this tight, strong relationship with my own wife (for 33 years). One of the reasons I've been married so long is that she has encouraged my art and my intimacy with other people. It's important it's not sexual - than can throw a wrench into the works. But when you get two people (on a set) opening their hearts to each other, that feeling of compassion and understanding is really accessible and quite deep. and the flip side is also true, of fear."
I want to see "Crazy Hearts", his latest movie soon.

Jeff is famous as the "Dude" in a movie- a pot-head who took life very lightly and specialized in doing as little as possible. He is very into Buddhism, but will not give up his Christian Roots (he loves Jesus).
Ron Alexander: Unconditional love starts within and overflows to All
Noy Traba-g: Gotta confer with 'Dude' then. Born a Catholic and had always been 'fascinated' and 'swaying' to Buddhism touche. Perhaps the only reason why I'm not 'one practicing' yet is due to the occasional 'material' touche; hence, still binded by my Catholic faith (?). Hmmm ... wrong move, go back (?!). LOL!
Noy Traba-g: Ooooops! I thought (so) I got off-line. Of course, of course. I do still have that faith. I still go (talk) to my baby Jesus' image (smiling at me from his pedestal). I may have just been blindly misleading myself/things. A CC (clarion-calling) sort. Bit confusing but not really that complicated. Aye ... I'm off to the other train, lol!

Noy Traba-g: I like the image, by the way. A tippy-tippy expression - reaching out/being reached ... a symbolical tiny touch > huge connection. Isn't it just ... sublime. Love - as boundless as the ocean itself. Divine!8 Ron Alexander: ‎"Give me some touch" even a tiny touch or just a symbolic touching word, like you do so often Noy!

Jenny Martin: Whatever the PRESENT MOMENT Contains, Accept it as if you had CHOSEN it. Always work with it, Not against it...Make it YOUR FRIEND and ALLY, Not your enemy...This WIll Miraculously Transform Your Life....♥ ♥ ♥
Masroor Akbar: The choice is always available. If it seems you have chosen unwisely before, remember that every moment is new and the great power lies in your ability to CHOOSE AGAIN, no matter the appearances and no matter what anyone or everyone else thinks or does. masroor
Unity- Koontz: For those who want to live — not to think about it, but to love; not to think about it, but to be; not to philosophize about it — there is no other alternative: then drink the present moment´s juices. Squeeze it totally because it is not going to come back again. Once gone, it is gone forever. OSHO3

Learning to live in the moment is part of the path to joy.

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