Monday, September 6, 2010

Does Heaven Have Walls?

"Listen, my love, they can't hurt you. They can't hurt you at all. Your soul is ever intact." ~ Rumi

Does Heaven have walls?
If it does do we want to go there?
I had a dream (vision) one time
where there was a long line
waiting to enter a gate.
...The people waiting were very irritated
complaining, slouching, cursing
Then I noticed that there was no wall
Puzzled, I walked around the gate
and walked through a beautful garden
surrounding the gate. I felt very welcomed
with much gratitude.
Maybe the line is hell or purgatory at least?

Noy Traba-g: ‎"The house of my heart is empty, devoid of desire, like paradise. Within it is no work but the love of God, no inhabitant but the image of union with Him. I have swept the house clear of good and bad - my house is full of love for the One." ~ Rumi

Yewguan Tan: beautiful vision ron would love to share
Ron Alexander: Noy & Yew are so fine! Noy - perfect poem for post.
Yew please share - I would be honored." Yew, yourself(you too Noy) as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your (yewr) love and affection."

They say there is a door way from heart to heart, but what is the use of a door when there are no walls.~~~♥♥ RUMI
(thanks, Noy & Yew for inspiring me...)

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