Friday, September 10, 2010

Abraham Hicks - Consciousness of your cells

Watch how you label (create & perpetuate illness) yourself - here a self-described "diabetic" learns that is not who he really is...
Noy Traba-g: Loveelee! The mind dictates, the body follows. Saying/feeling it - and it does manifest. 'I was ill' onto 'I am well'. It truly (and undoubtedly) happens. Cells are clusters of law-abiding citizens in the body waiting for the order (and they wouldn't want to disappoint, lol!). Hence, a bouncy tune: 'I am amazing, beautiful, charming, dandy, exciting, funny ... unique, versatile, witty, x-citing, yummy, zany' (alphabetically yours, lol!). Pow!
Eva Tzouma: Our non-physical body, composed of tiny particles of light that interact with our physical body. Whenever we do a thought, positive or negative, we provoke a reaction among them. Negative thinking causes a tendency to view things irreparabl...y or impossible to happen.

For example, if someone get disappointed by a setback in his work, he gets a bottle of whiskey and drunk. This might not be dangerous for himself but could be for someone else especially if he drives the car drunk.

Now, how this negative event related to the mechanism of non - physical body. It's very simple, it reduces the flow of energy in our physical body and that causes gradually, if we do negative thoughts for many years, the sense that we are powerless to provoke any change in our lives.

But this is an illusion. Any time we decide to change our reality the flow increases again, strengthens the body and the feeling of weakness disappears.
The issue here is what we decide we want to happen in our lives. By changing the way we think we change our reality.

It is well known to all those who have knowledge of the internal reality of the fact that the more self-knowledge we acquire the greater the flow of energy in the body is and the more awaken our consciousness of who we really are becomes.

..."Not going with the flow is what is at the heart of every negative emotion that you have." ~Abraham-Hicks

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